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95 lines
_ ___ _
/ \ ___ ___/ __| ___ _ _ ___ ___| |_
/ = \| _ \ _ \__ \/ _ | || / _ |(_-<| ' \
/_/ \_| _/ _/___/\_ |\_,_\_,_|/__/|_||_| 1.26, 20 May 1998
|_| |_| |_|
Written by Darren Salt
LZW code based on Michael Rozdoba's Squash-compatible code
Squeeze and UnSqueeze © Acorn Computers Ltd
Squeeze patch written by Nick "call me Nicholas Clark" Clark
LZW decompression now StrongARM compliant - hopefully...
How to use
AppSquash will squash application image files, modules, and BASIC programs,
producing files that, when run, will unsquash themselves and then run as if
they hadn't been squashed. It can also handle modules squeezed using modsqz.
All you need to do is to drag the file(s) you want to compress to the
AppSquash icon, and for each file in turn, a save box will appear. You may
overwrite the original (but be careful).
The available options are:
Squash Squeeze
Absolute € €
Module €
The 'Force' option forces the application (if Squeeze is selected) or module
to be squeezed anyway, even if the resulting file would be larger.
Once you have decided where to save the file (in the normal way - it's just a
standard save box), AppSquash will compress the file, and, if successful,
will save it for you. If it fails for any reason, you will be told why and no
file will be created. Note that if the file is not compressible, an exact
copy will be made.
The option "Patch sqz" on the iconbar menu determines whether the 'data
abort' patch is applied to squeezed programs. If applied, then when the
program is run and there isn't enough memory for it to unsqueeze itself,
it'll complain "Not enough memory" instead of causing a data abort. (This
patch will work whether the program was squeezed using squeeze v4 or v5.)
AppSquash will also unsquash and unsqueeze files. Just follow the same
procedure; the file will be saved according to its original filetype.
However, squeezed modules (ie. those created by squeeze, rather than modsqz
or AppSquash) will be recognised, as will BASIC programs squeezed using
The datestamp is always preserved when using the LZW method; Squeeze, for
some reason, doesn't preserve it - AppSquash will ensure that the original
datestamp is written to the squeezed (or unsqueezed) file.
If a file is recognised as squeezed but unpatched, you have the option of
unsqueezing it or patching it; select the required option and save as usual.
WARNING: files squashed by older versions of AppSquash may be rejected or be
incorrectly unsquashed. Unfortunately, I can't find an older version to fix
Squeeze and Unsqueeze
Squeeze must be in either !AppSquash or somewhere on Run$Path; your library
directory is a good place to put it. UnSqueeze must be installed in
(You will find copies of both in !Patch.)
sqzpatch <source> [-o <destination>]
A small stand-alone command-line utility for patching squeezed files. It does
not replace AppSquash's own patching code, since that is desktop only :-)
(BASIC with appended data - be careful!)
You may move it to your library directory if you wish.